Table of Contents
- App
- Represents a web application that handles and responds to HTTP requests.
- AbstractProtectedRoutable
- Represents a target object for a request route
that requires authorization.
- Authorize
- Use to indicate that a route should
only be accessed by an authorized user.
- ProtectedRoutableResolver
- Returns either the given Routable or false when the user is not
- User
- Represents an authenticated user.
- ContainerLoader
- Configures a dependency injection container.
- DiTokens
- Contains dependency injection tokens.
- AuthorizationChecker
- Determines if authorization is successful
for a given Routable.
- MiddlewareQueueRequestHandler
- The HTTP Server request handling starting point
for the application.
- ResolvedRoute
- Contains a routable that is the target of a route
and bound route parameters.
- RouteMap
- Contains route paths associated with target objects.
- RoutingHandler
- Handles request routing for the application.
- RoutingMiddleware
- Takes care of routing requests to handlers